Why Pay Extra for an Automatic Battery Charger?

When you have a dead battery, you’re probably in a hurry to pick up a cheap battery charger. It’s easy to find inexpensive chargers that will get the job done for under $20. However, those chargers may not be the best value for your dollar. Oftentimes they charge slowly and do not provide you with any helpful information about your battery during the charging cycle. That’s why you need an automatic battery charger instead

They’re Safer

The number one reason that people choose automatic battery chargers over their less expensive counterparts has to do with safety. Automatic battery chargers use a microprocessor which tracks your battery’s capacity and turns off when your battery reaches full charge. They also watch for signs of overheating and other issues. You are never supposed to leave a battery charging unattended because it could overheat, cause a fire or explode. Fortunately, with an automatic charger, these risks are significantly reduced because the charger will cut off long before any damage occurs. 

They Keep Your Batteries Healthy

Another bonus of using an automatic battery charger is the possibility of extending your battery’s life span. When batteries are left charging beyond their full capacity, they begin to heat up. This causes the electrolyte mixture inside the battery to evaporate, leading to sulfating, or the formation of crystals on the lead plates. As this happens, your battery’s capacity becomes permanently reduced because electron flow is disrupted. Automatic battery chargers prevent this from happening, and many of them include sensors and testing hardware to verify the health of your battery ahead of time. Some can even warn you that your battery is on its last leg, so you can replace it before it fails. 

They Will Save You Money In the Long Run

When you really think about it, automatic battery chargers present a huge opportunity for cost savings when it comes to the batteries that you rely on day in and day out. Obviously, the better care you take of your battery, the fewer replacements you have to buy in the future. However, automatic battery chargers also prevent you from wasting energy by continuing to charge beyond full capacity. The less juice you waste when your battery is full, the lower your monthly power bills will be. 

MK Battery has a full selection of automatic battery chargers for any application. Whether you need a charger for your mobility devices, or you need a battery tender to care for your backup batteries, an automatic battery charger is the way to go. By spending a little more on a charger today, you can drastically extend the life of your batteries and save money in the short-term by reducing your power bills. Plus, you can guarantee that you are always charging with safety in mind, and you won’t have to worry about babysitting your batteries while they are on the charger. To learn more about automatic battery chargers, visit MK Battery or call and speak to one of our battery experts

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