Caring for Your Electric Scooter Battery

With our environment under threat from rising greenhouses gases, the electric scooter industry has been increasingly popular. Whether you live in a big city or enjoy exploring the more rural parts of the country and whether you are twenty-six or sixty-two, you are sure to appreciate the unique advantages an electric scooter can provide for your mobility.

Why the Electric Scooter Has Become Such a Trending Transport Option

With an electric scooter, you can quickly, efficiently, and affordably travel anywhere there is a solid road or path. Hate traffic jams? No problem. Hate having to fuel up? With an electric scooter, gas pumps are a thing of the past. 

But while electric scooters can provide you with greater mobility and offer fantastic energy savings and portability, there is one important thing you will have to be mindful of: The scooter's battery. 

Caring for Your Electric Scooter Battery

How long the battery in your electric scooter will last will depend upon two things.

First, every battery has something of a built-in expiration date, a time in which the components will naturally start to degrade and fail and thus, leading to the natural end of the battery itself. How long your electric scooter battery will last until this time ends will depend primarily on the type and quality of battery you buy. A standard, low to mid-grade electric scooter battery will have a lifespan of about 300 to 500 cycles, which translates to, depending upon use and factors we are going to look into next, about one to three years. However, a high-quality electric scooter battery made with high-grade components can last twice as long, so long as good care and maintenance techniques are followed.

Good care and maintenance is the second factor that will determine the longevity and effectiveness of your electric scooter's battery. You can help ensure that you get the most out of your electric scooter's battery by following these handy tips:

  • Never let the battery completely or significantly drain down. Scooter batteries are not like phone or laptop batteries in that they cannot be drained completely and be expected to continue to work just fine once hooked back up to an outlet. These are sophisticated, specially-built batteries and draining them down too far can cause issues like oxidation damaging the battery plates. Before ever using your scooter, always, always check the manufacturer's instructions for it and the specific battery that you use to be sure you are never letting the battery fall below its indicated minimum charge. 
  • Only use the correct charger. Yes, aftermarket, knock-off battery chargers are tantalizingly cheap, but they are so for a reason... they aren't built to the same standards. So while you might save a couple of bucks today on a knock-off charger, you are likely to have to replace the more expensive battery itself a whole lot sooner if you do so.
  • Keep the battery and scooter out of the elements. Rain, snow, UV rays, heat, and cold can all do a number on both electric scooters and their batteries. The best way to keep these specialized components safe and looking great is to lock them away in a garage, shed, or indoor area when not in use. Ideally, you should keep your scooter and its battery in a climate-controlled space whenever possible.

Shop for Quality Electric Scooter Batteries Today

Are you in need of a scooter battery replacement? Contact us today to see why we are a leading manufacturer and distributor of electric scooter batteries and to find the perfect battery replacement for your scooter. 

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